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Foundations of Writing

Five week intervention programme designed to develop, work on or introduce key fine and gross motor skills for children and young people to become successful and confident writers. 

Using sport to Educate, Engage and Inspire; Northampton Saints Foundation are pleased to offer you support in tackling your pre-writers and/or your reluctant writers, of whom may –  

  • Working below writing expected standards
  • Struggle with handwriting
  • Disengaged from the writing process
  • Reluctant or lack confidence to write 

This intervention programme is suitable for a wide variety of ages through its adaptability, engaging and creative approach which offers learners the chance to develop their physical skills. 

Over five weekly sessions, six areas of gross motor skill are targeted; hand eye co-ordination, hand dominance, upper body strength, ability to cross the midline, balance and object manipulation, all of which are embedded within both rugby and an individuals foundations of writing. Throughout multi-sport sessions, which aim to meet children’s needs across all learning styles, children will develop motivation and confidence within their writing as well as the core physical skills which underpin it. 

Please contact [email protected] to learn more, or to book your session today.

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