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Social Inclusion


Engage uses the values of rugby to INSPIRE, SUPPORT and EDUCATE young people 7-16 years old who are disengaged from mainstream education and in need of additional support, to regain control of their academic pathway. 

We understand the school environment isn’t suited to everyone. Many young people experience mental health issues, attainment challenges, behavioural problems and traumas, which can affect their education.  

During a maximum of 15 hours per week, young people visit one of our hubs across Northampton, Corby, Milton Keynes and Ipswich to take part in a wide range of social and emotional development opportunities, creating an environment that is specific to addressing their needs and challenges.

Benefits of the Engage programme 

Targeted support: Many of the young people we support have mental health issues, academic struggles, behavioural problems, or traumas that have affected their education. Each student fills in a progression passport and our staff work closely with the referrer and their supportive network, allowing us to help them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Engagement through activities: Physical, social and emotional development opportunities allow young people to grow, have fun and create memorable experiences, helping them to see the positives in everyday life. 

Positive impact: By taking participants out of their everyday routines and engaging them in a range of activities we are able to see improvements in their confidence, self-esteem, and communication skills, providing them with essential tools to break down barriers and face life's challenges.

Holistic wellbeing: Mindfulness and creative sessions promote overall wellbeing to enhance mental and emotional health, teach new skills and coping strategies. Young people also have the opportunity to work with the Foundation's Youth Therapist.

Guest speakers and educational topics: Engage invites guest speakers to cover important topics such as health, relationships, and crime. By highlighting the dangers and consequences of certain behaviours, the programme helps young people become more aware of potential risks and make informed choices.

High staff-to-pupil ratio: A high staff-to-pupil ratio ensures that each young person's individual needs are met. This approach creates a safe and supportive environment, allowing the participants to reach their highest levels of personal achievement and take pride in themselves.

Reintegration and re-engagement: The ultimate goal of the Engage programme is to reintegrate and re-engage every young person in learning and put them on a positive path toward their future.

If you would like to make a referral please download a referral form or to find out more information, please email [email protected] or call on 01604 599152.

Engage programme wins Excellence in Education

Frequently asked questions

  • + What age group is the Engage programme suitable for?

    The Engage programme is for young people aged between 7-16 with Primary specific days on certain days and in certain locations.

  • + Where are your hubs based?

    cinch Stadium at Franklin’s Gardens, Northampton, NN5 5BG 
    Glebe Farm School, Burney Drive, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes, MK17 8XY 
    Ipswich Rugby Club, Humber Doucy Lane, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 3PY 
    Stewart and Lloyds Rugby Football Club, Occupation Rd, Corby NN17 1EH 

  • + What are the timings of the day

    9:30AM – Arrival  
    9:30AM - 10:30AM – Introduction / Passports / Well-being check in  
    10:30AM – 12PM – Activity 1   
    12:00PM -12:30PM – Lunch  
    12:30PM – 2:00PM – Activity 2   
    2:30PM – Collection 

  • + How do you communicate/keep in touch with schools?

    The school will be sent attendance every morning, once a student has arrived and daily behaviour reports at the end of the day. Our staff will be in communication with any safeguarding concerns should they arise. 

  • + How do you support the reintegration back into school?

    We support reintegration by working with the young person by going through their student passport and completing reintegration readiness questionnaires. Our staff are able to come into school to visit the young person to support reintegration and to demonstrate a collaborative approach. 

  • + Can transport to the hub be arranged?

    Transport is not something we arrange and will need to be arranged by the school or parent/carer.  

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